Building Laser Focused Intentionality – Perception Academy
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Building a Laser Focused Intentionality - Discover Your Highest Values & Transform Necessary Tasks into Joys

Home-Study course to coach yourself & others to uncover your highest values, live intentionally, & transform dull necessary activities into joys.

laser focused intentionality

Do you have activities that are important for to do, but you never get around to? And when you finally get to doing them they feel like dull drudgery that needs to get done?

The amazing thing is that it is not the activity that is 'dull', 'boring', 'annoying', 'painful', 'pointless' or insert your adjective of choice.... it is how YOU are thinking about it that is causing your suffering!

Would you like to discover a new way of using your brain so that you can transform 'the things I need to do' and 'the things I never get around to even though they are important' into the things that get done proactively, with joy?

If yes, you'll definitely want to take part in this Building a Laser Focused Intentionality program where you will learn how to do just that, for yourself and for others.

What's Inside

  • Video lessons on all of the knowledge and skills for you to coach yourself and others to live more intentionality on a day to day basis and to bring a sense of meaningfulness and significance to the activities that are important for you in your life, but you have been avoiding or procrastinating.
  • A guided process to uncover your highest values and to become conscious of your reason for being!
  • Video demonstrations of the process to see how its done from a Master Trainer of Neuro-Semantics with 10+ years of experience.
  • A 7 page resource document covering all of the material you need and support options to get your questions answered.
  • Processes to implement these skills and sub-skills in your life to bring more intentionality and motivation for yourself, your clients, and everyone you communicate with for the rest of your life.

How it Works

Our Building Laser Focused Intentionality Online program is easy to use and provides all of the information and skill-building exercises you need to coach yourself and others to live more intentionally, and develop a laser like focus on all of the activities that are important for you to achieve in your day to day life, personally and professionally.

After enrolling just enter our Members Area, review the content, and practice the skill builders each lesson as you integrate the material.

And click 'Mark complete' as you complete each chunk to track your progress within our system.

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What Students Say

Absolutely worth taking! Jason offers a wealth of expertise, ties this course in to other foundational NLP techniques, provides skill drills, teachings, demos, a powerful NLP tool for aligning your actions with your intentions, and an opportunity for practicing the new skills taught! Not to be missed. 

Janet Hudson

Founder at Tame the Inner Chaos

This course helped me figure out my 'Why'. Thank you Jason!

Eric S.

This program really got me to focus on what matters to me for a life I will be happy living. 

Dana K.

Jason made a complex subject very simple . Meta States is the key to running your own brain and really understanding how others think and act and why (the real reason) people do what they do.

Rick A.

Wow, what a great course! Just walking though the exercise with one of my task that's been getting no attention, I can feel the shift and excitement that the intentionality brings. I can't wait to work on it more.

Perry V.

This workshop provided an opportunity for me to think out of the box, be more introspective & proactive at living my life intentionally.

Kim H.

As soon as I've watched the course, I've put it into practice and the sense of boredom and procrastination has significantly reduced. I'm putting intention in every task even the simplest and being able to transform simple tasks into meaningful events.   The examples in the course very objective and practical and I've used them to help me to do the process with ease. Thank you!

Maxsuel A.

"I recommend this course if you are tired of wasting your time in procrastination and having your attention pulled around by things that aren't important to you. This teaches you the why and how to live intentionally, and it goes even deeper into the teaching of how to sacralize every part of your life. I have done this course twice now and my inner world has dramatically shifted for the positive. I feel a greater sense of purpose in my everyday life."

Luke Bunder

Luke Bunder Coaching

Frequently Asked Questions

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$100 $150

120 minutes of on demand video

7 Page Resource Document with Script & Support Options

2 video demonstrations to see how its done

Implementation tips, tricks and procedure to embody these skills & techniques and make this program real in your life

Lifetime access

Easy access from mobile or desktop

  • Satisfaction Guaranteed



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