What is Neuro-Semantics? | Perception Academy

What is Neuro-Semantics?

Neuro-Semantics as a field provides a series of updates and add-ons to the models of Neuro-Linguistic Programming that add to it a higher level of professionalism, an emphasis on self-actualization and the ability to model self-reflexive consciousness.

To quote L. Michael Hall Ph.D. Co-founder of Neuro-Semantics, “Neuro-Semantics is a model (with many sub-models) that makes explicit how we as human beings input information from the world, hold it in our mind as meaning (semantics), and how those meanings are embodied (neuro) layer upon layer forming the unconscious programs that guide our behaviors and habits.”

The meanings that we have embodied around any specific event results in our personal perception – which then acts like mental software as it governs our internal representations, responses, and behaviors.

The heart of Neuro-Semantics continues in the tradition of NLP as modeling experiences of excellence and mastery, adding the higher frame of self-actualization as a guiding principle.

Neuro-Semantics Uncovers the True Leverage Points for Excellence and Change

The origins of the word ‘meaning’ (semantics) suggest that it refers to whatever we “hold in mind” and Neuro-Semantics uses this as a catch-all term for ‘mind-stuff’.

Whereas Neuro-Linguistic Programming primarily focuses on the associative meaning and representational meaning at the primary level (as we respond to the world and make movies in our mind), Neuro-Semantics recognizes that meaning exists in all of the higher levels of frames (thoughts, beliefs, decisions, intentions, rules, etc.) about those movies.

Neuro-Semantics makes explicit that even within the structure of  ‘Primary State’ Neuro-Linguistic experiences there are many hidden meta (Greek for “above and about”)levels of thought and meaning that govern how these experiences operate the way they do.

Just as in any hierarchical organization, those higher level frames govern the representations below them making them the key to lasting and pervasive personal change.

The true difference that makes a difference lays in these higher meta-level structures and Neuro-Semantics provides us the tools and skills to make those layers explicit so we can model them, replicate them, and transform them.

The core model of Neuro-Semantics is the Meta-States Model which allows us to model self-reflexive consciousness.

There are many benefits for understanding how Neuro-Semantics works whether you are using it for personal development, coaching, or business development.

Want to Learn More Neuro-Semantic NLP?

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