A Recommendation for Getting Skilled at NLP & Coaching | Perception Academy

A Recommendation for Getting Skilled at NLP & Coaching

If you want to know how I got my skills to the level where they are, one of the things that really accelerated my development early in my career was re-sitting in my training programs.  

I sat in the NLP Practitioner course and the Coaching program multiple times and each time I was able to take away more.   In fact, I highly recommend that everyone sit through the courses at least twice.


The first time I sat through the program I was a bit overwhelmed with all of the content and skills.  Can you relate? That is because a NLP practitioner program has been compared to receiving an entire college course or even an entire curriculum in just 8 days.  Yes, it is designed to support accelerated learning and experiential learning – but learnings and skills get installed through repetition.

The second time through the training, because you have already experienced the content knowledge, you are able to focus much more on the skills and practice exercises.    You are also much more aware of how the trainer is demonstrating what they are talking about throughout the entire training. And you can also detect a lot more detail in how the trainer is running the training demonstrations and what they are doing to get the results they are getting.    You are also able to ask questions at a much higher level which leads to higher level answers and depth of understanding.

Every time is different! There is no sameness in the world, only difference, and this applies to NLP/coach training as well.   Sometimes when I was resitting a course the trainer would say “the same thing” but in a slightly different way, and that little difference would be the difference that made a difference in terms of me understanding that point at a deeper level.

Also because I was a different person, I could hear “the same thing” with different ears and in a way that would allow it to fit into my life perfectly at that moment, whereas before I just didn’t land for me.

And last but not least, I am always improving myself and my training programs so each time the training improves, gets more efficient, implements student feedback and becomes better at facilitating deeper learning and lasting transformation.

Do you have any more reasons for re-sitting through a training? 

Leave your questions and comments here: https://www.facebook.com/perceptionacademy/posts/1525370514281770

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